Here is a pic:

What? Oh you noticed that isn't me?? Yeah, that is because the sweater doesn't fit me. Again. Third time is NOT a charm to me apparently. Want proof?

See that? Too short in the waist. Too big in the boobs.
Now, I know the pattern has issues with being too big in the chest area already. But I also stopped nursing my son, and lost 12 lbs since I started making this sweater. The combo is a sweater that just doesn't fit me. Dammit.
However, look at how good it looks on my mom who is 3 inches shorter then me:

She also has big boobs, which helps. Takes the sting out of it a little bit. Plus her birthday is coming up, and I didn't know what I was going to get her, so I guess that dilemma is solved.

It really does look so much better on her. That picture of me up there? it was the most flattering I could find. It really isn't a great sweater for me. It would be fab if it had a smaller chest and longer waist. Will there EVER be a sweater that I will make that I can wear? (sob.)
Pattern: Mr. Greenjeans
Yarn: Queensland collection Kathmandu Aran
Needles: KP Harmony DPN's and my Denises
Notes: I got the buttons from Joann's. I lenthened the sleeves by decreasing down to 48 stitches (the sleeves actually fit my arms well) and then knitting 3 inches before starting the cabling. Also added 4 buttons instead of just one. Definitely a fun knit, but I am a slow sweater knitter because I always have so many WIPS at a time.
Thanks for visiting!!